Saturday, August 4, 2012

The truck didn't have working Air Conditioning! We were not about to drive across the country for four days without air so after a brief conversation with the manager at Penske, they decided it was in their best interest to have another one delivered to us here at camp late Friday night. We had already loaded my tools and cabinets from the shop so it all had to be unloaded and reloaded.

Whew! All is ready for the big packing extravaganza at our house tomorrow, starting at 9AM, so "BE THERE!!!"

Really tired of moving boxes around...


Mrs. Anderson-Jones said...

Ed and Jodi...sending motivation to laugh and smile the way you often do. Wondering which you have seen more of so far: soy beans or corn fields. Be safe and we hope the ac is working well!

Mrs. Anderson-Jones said...

Ed and Jodi...sending motivation to laugh and smile the way you often do. Wondering which you have seen more of so far: soy beans or corn fields. Be safe and we hope the ac is working well!

Ranger Tim and Dr. Karren said...

Nothing but trees and a few paddlewheelers so far Jodi!