Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Help us load the truck!

Are you bored with your life? Need a little community service to feel fulfilled? Look no further than driving out to camp and helping Karren and Tim load the truck on Saturday, August 4th! We will have everything boxed and ready to load, so we just need bodies to help shove furniture and boxes into the moving van. Wayne Bliley has volunteered to be our loadmaster (selected from a long list of candidates because of his trucking and packing experience).

We will provide lunch and drinks and expect to have the main part finished early, so if you are a true slacker drop by later and soak up the socializing and goodbyes. We'll be at the house all day into the night! See you there!

Forward, HO-ooooo!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We are going west for GOOD!

That's right, Karren and I are due to leave Goochland for McCammon, Idaho to set up our house and live life the cowboy way. She is making the career move to become an assistant professor of Special Ed at Idaho State University. I am so proud of her.

This means we will shove off with the moving van and all our other vehicles for the westward Ho! journey an August 5th at 8AM. Be sure to check out our progress as we blog our way west!