Monday, December 10, 2012

Hard Labor and the White Stuff

Here at the Streagle abode it has been a day of hard labor as we split another full rack of firewood for the next couple of weeks. We have been fortunate so far to keep ahead of the weather in terms of our wood supply, but the temps have really plummeted recently and the snow has finally found us as well. Karren and I woke this morning to about 4 inches of frozen stuff and it made for interesting traveling on our way to church.

Having put snow tires with studs on the Miatas a week or so ago I was not too concerned about getting there but it still makes us consider changing our usual route into town. There is no point in trying to be a macho idiot and getting stuck. There just aren't that many people nearby to pull us out!

So we got home and knew that we needed to split a decent amount of wood in order to satisfy the stove for the next few weeks. And aspen does not split easily like oak from the Virginia forest. At least we had our kitty kat with us. That cat is oblivious to the cold weather and walks around in the snow like it's nothing out of the ordinary. Today I was able to pick her up for the first time... for about ten seconds.

On the way to church today I stopped and took this shot of an old homesteader's cabin. It is located just off Marsh Creek Road about 500 yards north of our house. It has interested me since we arrived but I have been waiting for the chance to catch it in good light. I missed the best light by about 30 minutes today but it still looked nice.

I'll get by there another time and work on the composition. I have to shoot from the road so there won't be any easy way to get another angle. That's because there are barbed-wire fences along the road. Well, there are barbed-wire fences everywhere out here. I tore all of ours down because I hate them. so much for raising horses!

I'm now working on a Habitat for Humanity house in Pocatello. Some friends from church asked if I would be interested in helping, so I visit the house after I get off work at Home Depot. When they found out I had experience with sheetrock finishing they were happy to have me come by. When they found out that I was actually a professional finisher they were ecstatic! The volunteers had been slinging compound at the walls for a few weeks and it had kind of gotten out of hand. I was happy to help. Who knows? Maybe there will be a contact I'll make with someone who needs a finisher?

Well, Karren is hanging Christmas decorations in the house now, so I had better get off the net and help. Merry Christmas everyone!