Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Refugee House

The house looks like refugees live in it because the paint is in such bad shape and the roof is furry. The siding and trim are okay but the junipers in the front have rubbed much of the paint away. We have removed them from the right side but the left side is still overgrown. That will change later this week. The roof is old cedar shakes and has needed to be replaced for the last five years at least. This roof could have been in good shape if it had been maintained. I'd still want to replace it though to get better fire resistance. I'm planning to go with metal roofing if the price is right. Shingles are not as cost effective and will not give the fire rating of metal.

Note the large fir trees on the other end of the house. They are right up on it and several are going to come down immediately so I can gain good painting and roofing access, not to mention they are a fire hazard. Hate to lose the wind/snow break but they must go. Timmmberrrrr!

We like the automatic garage door on the house and it will become the girl's garage as soon as the debris stops accumulating in there. This will be a nice feature for Karren in the cold of winter when she climbs into a warm car to go to work.

Next time you see this house it will have a dark green paint job and a light brown roof. A bright red door will be Karren's mandate I'm sure!

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