Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tim and Karren Fall Down - A LOT!

We have settled into the rhythms of frontier life here in Idaho and are really enjoying the snow country. Karren and I tried some cross country skiing and liked it, but I wanted more backcountry flavor, so we bought some sliding snowshoes/ski-shoes for our first try at it. It has been fun learning how to stay upright on them and we are beginning to get the hang of it.

These skis are really fun and are perfect for beginners like us. They use a 75mm three pin binding and have built in skins (not fish scales - skins) and they climb easily with great grip. They are also a lot more fun going downhill than snowshoes. I just couldn't see the point of slogging downhill in something clumsy when we could ski. They are not fast going down but that is a good thing for us beginners!

That's my high school chum Kevin Hopkins with us on the West Fork Mink Creek Trail. He and his wife Sarah were visiting and had to herringbone up the trail because they did not bring their skins with them. We made about 1/2 mile up about 500 feet in elevation that day but needed to stop because old, fat, middle-aged folks like Karren and I needed to have enough energy on the way down to try to ski without shaking too much and Kevin was just getting over the flu. He was amazing to be able to do that much cardio workout in that kind of shape. Of course Sarah was zooming all over the place like Picabo Street (famous ski star) and taking great pictures. She looks like she was born with skis on her feet. She made it look easy and gave our group some credibility with the other skiers on the trail. Thanks Sarah!

I can't wait until we can get into the elevated backcountry and learn how to ski those areas. It will be a while, but Karren is such a natural at this I think we'll learn quickly. There is a hut system that I can literally see from my house - that will be a blast! I've heard two avalanches at home already (scary!) so I need to get training with that stuff before we get too far out. I'm also still battling altitude sickness, so that is taking some time to get used to. I have increased from 6000 ft. to 8000 ft. as far as my comfort zone goes, but there are lots of 9000 ft. plus peaks around here that I want to climb. It's really tough to ski when you're dizzy!

We took the back way around the mountain range and traveled in the high country all the way home that evening and Sarah took a stunning shot of the valley where our house is located. It is a different perspective from the other posts previously, and she captured the light at its best.

What a beautiful place we live in. We are truly blessed... with snow.. and zero degrees this morning. Got to take the bitter with the sweet I guess. At least there aren't any mosquitos. Sarah has a picture of a cattle drive down our road that I am begging her to send me. I hope to be able to post it soon. They were following it as they arrived in McCammon. There was a good looking cowgirl on on horse and the old grizzled cowboy that owns the herd in front of our place. I think it was cool that Kevin and Sarah happened to be driving up just as the cattle drive arrived.

More later!


Patrick Brooks said...

Good pic in the snow!
And good for you guys for getting out!
When in Rome . . . .

Patrick Brooks said...

Good pic in the snow!
And good for you guys for getting out!
When in Rome . . . .