Thursday, October 11, 2012

Monsters of Marsh Creek!

Get a load of this mule deer that was shot by a neighbor right across the street from our place. He said, "We only count the points on one side of the rack here in Idaho. Never heard of such a thing. In VA every good old boy is going to count every daggone hint of a point and add 'em all up.

Say AAHHH! Karren ought ot know better than to goof around while I have a camera out.

On the way back from Sun Valley I saw five herds of antelope. Here's one of them. Check out the rutting buck sniffing the evening air.

He's the one on the left. This place is full of wildlife. I just can't figure out what they eat around here. Or where they get water. I was talking to my neighbor and he was telling me that our property is situated right on the best part of Marsh Creek for duck hunting. I think he was giving me a hint.

This evening I set up my astro gear and shot some pictures of M33, Triangulum Galaxy. I think it will turn out well. The quatorial mount that has been giving me fits for the last two years is finally working well, and I am soooo glad.

It was so beautiful out tonight and the temps were perfect. Did I say there were NO MOSQUITOS? Eat your heart out VA!

The next update will more than likely be after I finally recover from staying out all night to photograph the sky. So stay tuned!

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